Tools that Inspire!

Hoe from farm.jpg

I came across this once-important farming tool while prepping my garden for the new growing season.

It was the hoe (at least what's left of it) that accompanied me once upon a time to many soybean fields while growing up on the farm. It endured tremendous wear and tear while removing milk weeds, volunteer corn and button and iron weeds (and striking hidden rocks that lurked beneath them) in soybean fields around West Bend (located in Palo Alto County - also home of the Grotto and Butter Bread Bread!).

Looking back, those were tough days. In retrospect, they were also learning days as they taught the lessons of teamwork (once in awhile we had quite a crew; nothing like the person next to you helping with a row or two under your jurisdiction, especially when you started wearing down a bit), work ethic, commitment and not quitting until a job was finished.

Most importantly, those days of walking beans provided the satisfaction that accompanied the completion of a job well done (e.g. a "clean" soybean field -- no better complement from a farmer than that!). I'll forever treasure those days and this reminder that has found a permanent place in my gardening shed.

What tools keep you sharp? What lessons learned from days gone by do you carry with you? What tool have you used that makes you better?

Aaron Putze