Marvel at the Mundane

I was grateful again for so many things… the opportunity to travel, to fly, to attend such an awesome conference that had been on my bucket list for years; to work for such a great organization like the Iowa Soybean Association and represent farmers; to marvel at the ingenuity behind the airplane that can get us 400-500 miles down the road in just 60 minutes.

There’s marvelous in the mundane. Sometimes it just takes a three-year-old to remind us.

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Aaron Putze
Around the Bend

Around the Bend embodies my background and frame of mind.

Most importantly, the stories to be found here will be about us. I’m a simple person trying to live a simple yet rewarding life in Waukee, Iowa, with my beautiful wife Crystal and our children. Perhaps you can relate. I have good days and not so good days. I’m balancing work life and home life; parenting children while assisting with aging loved ones. I have lots of room for improvement – as a husband, father, son, brother, uncle, cousin and co-worker. I need to volunteer more, give more, pray more and ask for forgiveness more. I have doubts about where this world is going yet I’m enthusiastically grateful to be alive on a planet right now, at this time.

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Aaron Putze